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Visitors 34
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 15-Mar-15
18 photos

Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque is located in Muscat, Oman
Our guide Yaqoob poses in front of the Grand Mosque gardensThe dome of the Grand MosqueCrystal chandelier in the domeIranian carpet, crystal chandeliers, decorative tile, and marble columnsThe Koran in an alcoveOrnate wooden doors with gold fixturesGold fixtures on ornate wooden doorsCrystal chandelier hanging from an ornate wooden ceilingCrystal chandelier in the main domeCrystal chandeliers, main dome, Iranian carpets and marble columnsFisheye view of the crystal chandelier and the main domeCrystal chandeliers and stained glass detail in the main domeDecorative tile in the domeDetail in the wooden ceilingColonnaded side of the main prayer hall with crystal chandeliersDetail in the crystal chandelierThe mihrabAn Omani man walking by water features and decorative tiles in the garden

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:Middle East
Subcategory Detail:Oman